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A Spiritual Lesson In Toon Language: Lesson 17

Topic: The Healer

Series: Tom and Jerry

Episode: "The Duck Doctor" (Tom and Jerry)

Lesson PDF link: 17.pdf


This lesson deals with Jesus using compassion to heal along with His command for the child in this lesson to be alive and well physically. I use the Tom and Jerry short "The Duck Doctor". This lesson is more about Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His compassion than the actual healing in the city of Nain.

Scriptures used include Luke 7: 11-17 and Psalms 103: 1-13.

H is for Helping Acrostic,
Inwardly and

Cartoon Show: "The Duck Doctor" (Tom and Jerry):

Tom and Jerry: "The Duck Doctor": Direct link for video/webm

Why do you suppose we did this 'H Is For Helping' exercise? How was Jerry helping? Why?

Bible Study: Luke 7: 11-17

How did Jesus help? Why? Notice the correlation between the cartoon and the Bible study. Jesus, in this study, restored to life a dead boy that was the only son of a widow woman. This means Jesus had sympathy on the woman. If the woman had not been helped, there would have been no one to inherit the woman's estate. This, back then, would be terrible. In a variation on the theme, Jerry in our cartoon healed Little Quacker with his sympathy time and time again. As we will see, Jerry is very much like God in this cartoon.

Bible Study II: Psalms 103: 1-13

God is the Great Healer to those who fear him (fear means reverence here) Jerry was the 'Great Healer' for Little Quacker.

Picture Tom as the Devil character now. Tom tries to injure Little Quacker all throughout the picture and does. Jerry heals Little Quacker up all the way with his sympathy and bandages. Have you ever been in need of God's spiritual healing because of hurts and disappointments of life and being knocked down by demonic attacks?

Every person who is a temple of our Lord will have the above stated problems in abundance. However, it is good to stay in God's protection and not go out to try and face these again without being ready. Don't be like Little Quacker and try to fly when the Devil says to. The Devil just wants to take another pot shot at you and will if you are not equipped. God is there to heal and protect but in addition listen to his voice in prayer and meditation, reading the Bible and do God's business here on earth. This way the Devil won't have a chance to wound you as often. Eventually, like Little Quacker flying with the anvil at the end of our show, your time will come to fly again. However, this time, when the Devil tries his evil pot shot trick, he will get a fairly heavy surprise - a spiritual anvil right on the head! The Devil doesn't stand a chance!!